Meet Gregory University Best Graduating Student,With 4.71 CGPA In Law



Just as the Bible reference rightly stated, “Seeth Thou A Man Diligent In His Business,He Shall Stand Before Kings And Not Before Mean Men”. That is the case of the 21 years Old Iyamba Mighty Edim, a native of Abijang,Etung Local Government Area of Cross River state, who stood firm in the face of adversities, incurred the pain,the tears and sleepless
nights just to wear the crown of glory.

A journey that started five years ago, climaxed, with her setting what looks like an unbeatable record. Out of the 217 total number of graduates, Miss Iyamba Mighty Edim, surpassed her mates to become the overall best graduating student of the 2023 graduating set of Gregory University.

Iyamba Mighty Edim, who bagged a First Class in Law, with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), of 4.71, left everyone wondering how the feat was achieved.

The 4.71 grade point, further made clear the overall academic performance of this young scholar. Her record literally showed that she majorly got an A in all courses offered beginning from level one to level five.

Though not a mean feat but it is achievable with hard work,determination and resilience.

In her valedictory speech, Iyamba Mighty Edim,who was the first female President of Students Union Government (SUG), gave a hint how she achieved the record and thanked the School for creating a training ground that helped in shaping their lives..

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Iyamba Mighty Edim and her father

Good Afternoon our accomplished Chancellor, our brilliant Vice Chancellor, our efficient Deputy Vice Chancellor, our Amazing Vice Chancellor Academics, our able Registrar, our Erudite Librarian, our intelligible Dean of Scholars Affairs, highly esteemed Principal Officers and Staff, Studious Scholars of Gregory University Uturu, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Iyamba Mighty Edim and by the grace of God, it’s an honour to stand before you as the Valedictorian of our graduating set of 2023 Gregory University Uturu. I’d like to warmly welcome everyone in attendance and express my gratitude for being part of this memorable occasion.

This journey started five(5) years ago ( or four (4) years ) ago, for some. We cried and jubilated when we heard we had gained admission into this prestigious institution. We bade our families farewell and delved into the journey through tertiary level of education. We crossed the hurdles it served, we past the test of time. We sure had our high and low moments. However, in all, we were more than conquerors.

This notable institution was a training ground which helped in shaping our lives in all ramifications, that is, physically, spiritually, mentally, morally, financially and so on. Personally, I’m not the same person I was 5 years ago. I have evolved in specific areas of my life which I’m grateful to God for the medium of Gregory University Uturu. My fellow graduating Scholars can attest to the fact that having passed through the four walls of this institution, in all its beauty and ashes, there’s no environment we can not survive in. That’s how much of a training ground She has been for us. We are grateful!

Courtesy of Gregory University Uturu, I was the first female SUG President. And, I am and forever will be thankful to her for the rare privilege which gave me room for growth in other areas of my life which I was deficient in. And a shout out to my team! You guys were amazing. God bless you!

A special thanks to the Chancellor of Gregory University Uturu, Prof. Gregory Iyke Ibe for the positive impacts you made in my life; and the lives of each and every member of the graduating set of 2023 as a whole directly and indirectly. Your fatherly figure and love for your Scholars is a virtue I admire and appreciate you for, Sir. We love you and God bless you!

A Special thanks to our Unprecedented Vice Chancellor, Prof. Austin Uwakwe. A humble man! In your highly placed position, you’ve never override the interests of your Scholars. You have given us all your support when necessary; you corrected us when need was; and you’ve continually prayed from the depth of your heart that things be well with your Scholars, times without number. Our prayer this day is that the good Lord will reward your labour of love Sir! God bless you.

A special thanks to our able and intelligible Dean of Scholars Affairs, Prof. Isaac Ihekoaba. Your words of command and mode of action will never leave our memories. You’ve been a Father to us. Your soothing words of encouragement that strikes deeply into our hearts will never be forgotten. God bless you Sir for all you did. We appreciate you!

A special thanks to our lovely Dean, College of Law, Prof. Kenneth Uzoechi and our Beloved Examination Officer ( Fr. Donatus Asonye ) for all your words of encouragement and tremendous support to the College of Law; and the entire Law Scholars of Gregory University Uturu. God bless and reward you for all your good works Sirs!

A special thanks to all the Staff and Scholars of Gregory University Uturu,for your positive contributions and benevolence, exhibited by you to our lives throughout our journey in Gregory University Uturu. God bless you all!

A very “Big Thank you”! To my Dad, Mum and Sisters. It’s your undying love, prayers, support ( emotionally, financially and otherwise ) that has brought me this far. I couldn’t have got here without you. Loads of God’s blessings upon you!

A special thanks to Assemblies of God Church , Joint Christian Campus Fellowship (JCCF ), CLASFON and the entire denominations present in Gregory University Uturu. Keep up the good work; and the Lord will reward your labour of love. God bless you!

And finally, to my fellow graduating Scholars, I have a word for you:

“You’ve hit the books and you’ve studied hard

And now the day has come…

The saves, the tears, the sleepless nights

All are part of who you’ve become.

You’re a graduate in your field of study

And I , the University, your families are so proud of you!

You are one who finished. You didn’t give up.

You are one of the very few.

Many don’t ever finish the task

They give up before they’re done

So, walk heads up, gallantly and with shoulders high

This is because you stood strong and are singing your victory song!

So, on this day of Celebration, I just wanted you to know that I love you; and I’m proud of you!

Keep pressing on toward your goals and dreams.

As you step into the next phase of your life, never stop fighting to win. This is because, “You are Born to Win”

Know that life is full of joy and pain

But always stay sweet and kind.

When life tries to push you down,

Always get back in the race.

Thank you God for myself and my fellow graduating Scholars whom you’ve helped complete a part of your call!

Thank you God for these Graduates who have given their all!

Thank you all for your patience and attention. Thank you for coming to celebrate with us. Enjoy the rest of your day! God bless you!



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