Academy Targets To Train 2,200 Youths In Auto Diagnosis, Maintenance By 2024



Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) promoter and youth employment facilitator/advocate academy called Innoson Kiara Academy ( IKA ), has set into motion the training of a total of 2,200 male and female apprentices in Auto diagnosis and auto maintenance by 2024.

Already it has successfully trained 1,200 in two batches in 25 Auto diagnostics and Auto maintenance workshops established in five south east states namely; Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo while the training of the next batch of 1,000 apprentices would follow from this year.

This was disclosed yesterday by the IKA Chief Executive Officer, Mr Endi Ezengwa during the formal graduation ceremony for the already trained apprentices who were therein issued Certificates. Ezengwa is the Initiator and Coordinator of the Abia State Education – For – Employment ( E4E ) programme.

The Training Project, jointly supported by the DEG/DEVELOPPPP.DE and Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing Company ( Innoson ) is being effected in partnership with BOSCH, a German equipment manufacturer.

While the training programe was also being supported by Nigeria Automobile Technicians Association (NATA) members in the five south eastern states of Nigeria, the National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) examined and issued Certificates to the graduates.

With the training of these apprentices on Auto Diagnosis and Auto Maintenance to become professionals, it has made their services more readily available and accessible in Nigeria especially in the south east region.

At the graduation ceremony organized for the successful apprentices – graduates at Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing Company Ltd Nnewi, the IKA Chief Executive Officer Mr Endi Ezengwa said that despite the current challenges in the south east region, they were still optimistic of achieving their set goal of training additional 1,000 youths to bring the total trained to 2,200 over a three year period by 2024.

According to Ezengwa, ” the structure being laid during this project will ensure the sustainability and further development of this needed sector skills area across the country”.

Chairman of Innoson Company Chief (Dr.) Innocent Chukwuma, informed the graduates that the Certificates they earned qualify them for employment worldwide hence they were well trained and are being sought after.
Some notable persons and groups that were in attendance included Senior NATA members, the Executive Secretary of NABTEB, represented by Mr Daniel Onwoamaka.

Onwoamaka commended Innoson Kiara Academy for empowering youths with various viable skills and urged the graduates to make the best use of the skills they acquired and develop themselves.

Others in attendance were Their Highnesses, Obi Benneth Okafor of Umudim Nnewi and his Nnewichi counterpart Obi George A. Onyekaba and the President General of Nnewichi, Hon Sorge Egbu who jointly commended the Innoson Company, IKA and the graduated for the success of the training programe praying for it’s sustainability.

The IKA Training Manager, Engineer Ifeanyi Joseph Okeke commended the determination of the trainees to learn and graduate within the time frame.

While the Spokesman of NATA, Mr Uchedike James attested that the trainings have benefited many NATA members such that more members want to be trained, a female graduate, Jacinta Ejianya of Ebonyi state who trained in Auto Mechanic, spoke on behalf of her fellow graduates.

She said they would return to their stations fulfilled that they have been trained, certified and certificated to practice any where in the world. ” We will therefore appreciate being empowered to facilitate our setting up our own Workshops “.

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